Tactical and operational support to develop indirect channel sales by engaging commercial partners as distributors for computer vision spinoff

d-cube Providing tactical and operational support to develop and establish an indirect channel sales model by engaging commercial and technical partners as distributors and integrators of a computer vision spinoff

Deep-tech company spun out from a computer vision research group at a technical university in Greece. The spin-out has developed several solutions at the forefront of science, based on its research results and interactions with early adopters. The goal is to provide an engineered-system solution based on artificial intelligence that is competitive and innovative to be implemented in manufacturing quality control processes. The company has elaborated a business plan with the aim of acquiring clients outside its professional network and seeks to develop commercial agreements in Southern Europe with engineering companies dedicated to quality control in the aluminium industry.

The collaboration involved tactically and operationally supporting the creation of sales partnerships with key players in the management of the quality of products derived from aluminium extrusion and beyond (e.g. automotive sector, etc). The work included refining the value proposition for partners and end-clients, improving the partnership offer, mapping the industrial companies market and their engineering and quality control service providers, gaining access to key individuals in both segments, presenting the collaboration proposal in a win-win model, and organizing meetings among the parties involved.

Following the collaboration phase, the university spin-out created an initial business opportunities pipeline in the region across various industries. It nurtured its CRM system, expanded its network of key contacts among prospects and partners, connected with innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in the area to establish additional contacts with potential clients and distributors, and initiated discussions with companies that could represent and integrate its computer vision solution.